How To Remove UV Glue

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Written By Brenda Carrol

Passionate Craft Lover - Helping the world with her research in all things sticky!

UV glue is really hard to remove. It takes patience, but here are some tips on how to remove it properly. UV glue (ultraviolet) glues together pieces of plastic or sometimes binding straps as you see on cards that hold balsa pieces together. It’s super fun and quite easy to use which makes it great for beginners.

UV glue is made from cyanoacrylate which hardens from exposure to UV light from either sunlight or black lights, so it’s not going anywhere without a fight. It’s not as simple as just scraping it off because the glue will bond to itself, even if days have passed since you put it on there.

Are you looking for different methods to remove UV glue from glass, phones, etc? So, this article will tell you the methods of how to remove UV glue.

Benefits of Removing UV Glue

Some of the benefits of removing UV glue are as follows. So, let’s discuss them.

1. Removing UV Glue Saves Time

Saving time is always a good thing. If you are building many kits, UV glue can be time-consuming to remove, especially if you have large runs or big planes.

2. Removing UV Glue Prevents Warping

You might find that after a few days or weeks your parts will warp because of moisture absorbed by the glue. This is especially true with kits that are made from balsa wood. Removing the glue prevents warping.

3. Removing UV Glue Prevents Weak Joints

If you’ve ever dealt with warped parts, then you know that the glue doesn’t bond to them very well since there are gaps in between the parts. This is also true if your kit has been sitting for a long time before being put together because of moisture absorption.

Reference Video – How To Remove Liquid Glue UV Tempered Glass 

4. Removing UV Glue Makes A Strong Joint

If you’ve ever glued something together without using any clamps or weights, then you know that your glue lines can be pretty ugly. This is because the glue seeps out of the crack in the seam making it wider at the end of one piece where it meets another. It also doesn’t bond very well which leaves your joints weak.

5. Removing UV Glue Prevents Cracking

How To Remove UV Glue

UV glue can take days to fully harden, so it could potentially crack if your kit is being moved before then. This might not be that big of a deal for some people, but I know others who are very specific about this kind of thing.

6. Removing UV Glue Makes Clean-Up Easier

How To Remove UV Glue

Removing the glue makes it easier to clean up the seams and your working space. Just make sure you don’t get any of the glue on anything that shouldn’t have it on it like paint, carpet, clothes, etc.

7. Removing UV Glue Helps Protect Your Health

Removing the glue makes it easier to breathe in your working space! The smell can be pretty strong too depending on what brand of glue you’re using. Plus, breathing in cyanoacrylate fumes isn’t good for you either.   

8. Removing UV Glue Let’s You Re-Use The Parts

Once you’ve removed the glue, you could re-use the parts if it doesn’t damage them. Just make sure that all of the old dried glue is gone before putting it back together. And that any balsa wood has been sanded to remove any dirt or splinters.

Methods Of How To Remove UV Glue

There are a few methods, depending on how much time and patience you have. If your kit is still in parts or has been sitting for longer than a week or two, then you can use one of these methods.

1. Nail Polish Remover

This is likely the quickest way to remove UV glue. It takes around 10 minutes to completely dissolve the glue depending on how thick the layer of glue is that’s being removed. You just have to soak your parts in it.

Then use a toothbrush with some hard bristles to scrub at the glue. You might find that you have to do this a couple of times, but if you’re in a hurry, then this will work.

2. Super Glue Remover

This one takes roughly 20 minutes or so, so it’s not as quick as using nail polish remover, but it’s still faster than waiting for days like you would with other glues. It also can be used on balsa wood kits since it doesn’t contain any solvents that might warp or crack your kit. You just have to soak your parts in the remover and then scrub at the glue with a toothbrush.

3. Acetone

This is the most time-consuming removal method because it takes days for the glue to fully harden, but it’s still way faster than waiting for your UV glue to dry on its own. You just have to paint or soak your parts in acetone and wait until they’re ready before re-joining them together.

4. Isopropyl Alcohol / Rubbing Alcohol

It takes roughly the same amount of time as acetone, but you don’t have to worry about it warping or cracking your kit unlike with acetone or nail polish remover. You just have to paint or soak your parts in isopropyl alcohol and wait until they’re ready to be re-joined.

5. Dish Soap / Liquid Dish Detergent

This works pretty much the same way as isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol, but you don’t have to wait for it to dry as you would with them since dish soap leaves a residue (just make sure that your parts are completely dry before moving on to the next step). You just have to soak or paint your parts in dish soap and then wait until they’re ready.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a fairly harsh chemical, so you have to be very careful when using it. You just have to paint or soak your parts in hydrogen peroxide and wait until they’re ready.

7. Acrylic Spray Paint

This is probably the best way to remove UV glue from your kit since no chemicals are used. It just leaves a light film over your parts to keep them from sticking together. It can be a bit difficult since you have to constantly shake the spray paint and then maintain a constant distance between the nozzle and your kit as it’s being painted. You just have to do this until all of the glue has been removed.

8. Polish With Sandpaper

This is something that you can do if you don’t mind spending a lot of time on your kit. All you have to do is polish your parts with some sandpaper. This will take hours, but it will leave no trace of UV glue on your parts. You just have to keep working at it until all traces are gone.

How to Perform UV Screen Protector Removal/Glued glass screen protector

  1. Start by gently peeling the corner of the screen protectors or UV curing glasses off of your device.
  2. Slowly work your way around the edges of the screen protectors, being careful not to damage the display beneath.
  3. Once the majority of the screen protector has been removed, use a soft cloth to clear away any remaining adhesive or residue.

Assuming you’ve already lifted a corner of the screen protector off, begin slowly and carefully peeling it back. Work your way around all four sides of the perfect screen protector until the entire protective film has been removed.

If there are any areas that appear to be stuck, gently scrape them with a fingernail or credit card until they come loose. The gap is narrow, so you cannot take your fingers underneath.

Finally, use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any adhesive or liquid screen protectors residue that may be left behind. And that’s it! Your device’s screen should now be good as new.

Removing UV Glue from Different Materials

1. How To Remove UV Glue From Glass

To remove the glue from the glass, you first need to sand and scrape off as much of it as possible. Then you can either use a solvent such as a nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to dissolve the rest, or you can sand it with sandpaper until all traces are gone.

2. How To Remove UV Glue Nails

To remove UV glue from your nails, you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. Then either soak them in nail polish remover or acetone for 10 minutes before scrubbing at the remaining glue with a toothbrush until all traces are gone.

3. How To Remove UV Glue From Phone

To remove UV glue from your phone, you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. Then either soak the screen in some water for a few minutes or wipe at it with a damp cloth to loosen any remaining bits. You can then use a toothbrush and some dish soap to scrub away the rest of the glue.

4. How To Remove UV Glue From Speaker

To remove UV glue from your speaker, you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. Then either use a solvent such as a nail polish remover or isopropyl alcohol to dissolve the rest, or you can use toothpaste to polish it until all traces are gone.

5. How To Remove UV Glue From Glass Table

To remove the glue from your glass table, you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. You can then either use acetone or nail polish remover to dissolve the rest, or you can sand it with some sandpaper until all traces are gone.

6. How To Remove UV Glue From Button

To remove the UV glue from your button, you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. Then either use a solvent such as a nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to dissolve the rest, or you can just paint over it with some acrylic paint until all traces are gone.

7. How To Remove UV Glue Screen Protector

To remove the UV glue from your screen protector you first need to scrape off as much of it as possible. Then either use a solvent such as a nail polish remover or acetone to dissolve the rest, or you can just peel it off.

Tempered Glass Screen Protector – Tips

If your phone has a tempered glass screen protectors, there are a few things you should know about how to care for it and remove it. Here are some tips:

To clean the surface of your tempered glass screen protector, use a soft, lint-free cloth. If there are any smudges or fingerprints, you can lightly dampen the cloth with water. Avoid using any cleaning solutions or abrasive materials, as these could damage the glass.

To remove your tempered glass screen protector, start by peeling back one corner. Then slowly lift the rest of the glass away from the phone. If there is any adhesive residue left on the phone, you can remove it with a bit of rubbing alcohol. Be careful not to damage the phone’s surface when removing the glass.

How To Remove UV Glue – Conclusion

As you can see, there are a lot of ways how to remove UV glue from your kit. Depending on the amount of UV glue that’s been used and the way it was applied, some methods may work better than others.

You also have to consider whether or not your parts will be damaged if a certain method is used – just remember


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